Dear Students,
The final exams for the 2023-2024 Spring Semester are scheduled to take place between June 24, 2024, and June 30, 2024. In accordance with the decision of the Executive Board of the Council of Higher Education dated September 14, 2022, all exams including mid-terms, finals, make-up exams, and resit exams for our Institute, including distance learning programs, will be conducted face-to-face on campus. Non-exam assessments such as projects, assignments, research papers, etc., will also not be collected from the virtual campus but will be submitted in person on campus with a signature receipt.
Considering the situation of students living and working outside the city, regular classes will follow the schedule of weekdays and hours, while all distance learning classes will be scheduled for Sunday, June 30, 2024. For details regarding the type and content of the exams, you can contact the instructor of the respective course.
We wish you success in your exams.
Click HERE for the Exam Schedule.
Dr. Associate Professor Şerafettin Sevgili Institute Director